Alpha v0.2.2.0 Release + Patch Notes

- Reverted some of the part thick precision changes.

    (Should be easier to land crits again.)

- Enemy Trauma decay base massively decreased.

    [-0.0025per/f -> -0.0002per/f]


- Enemy HP increased by ~60%

- Enemies cannot recover from stuns unless they aren't "Spinning".

- Enemy can now be "Spun" with Slashes. Pommelstrikes do not cause "Spinning".

    (Spinning means it is rapidly rotating horizontally, Flipping means it is rapidly rotating vertically.)

- Slashes inflict "Spinstun".

    ("Spinstun" is determined by how long it takes the enemy to stop spinning. Lower surface frictions result in shorter Spinstun durations.)

- Colliding with a wall while Spinning will cause the enemy to stop Spinning.

- HP chip damage on block removed.

- Enemy no longer bodyblocks player during its attacks.

- Downward Pommelstrike ("Spike") knockback increased.

- Knockback no longer halts enemy momentum on application, with the exception of "Spike".

    (Spiking the enemy will always cancel VERTICAL momentum, but never horizontal.)

Files 296 MB
Aug 14, 2022

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